A first-time session is one and forty-five minutes hours long. The first half-hour is an intake of personal and medical history, dietary and lifestyle habits. Then the therapist takes a tongue and pulse diagnosis. For the next hour the therapist does Amma bodywork therapy. Amma bodywork is a hands on deep tissue therapy that uses curricular hand pressure and circular thumb pressure along channels (meridians) of the body. The therapist may use fire cupping, moxabustion, or guasha in addition to Amma bodywork techniques. The other 15 minutes is for recommendations and questions.
During the therapy treatment herbal, dietary, and lifestyle recommendations may be made. Lifestyle recommendations may include things such as: doing exercises, taking yoga or tai chi classes, journaling or art therapy, stress management techniques, deep breathing techniques, or recommendations for adjunct therapy like chiropractic work or counseling. If it is necessary, consultation time maybe scheduled to discuss recommendations. Consultation is generally 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
Follow up sessions are 1½ hours unless less time is requested.
Frequently asked questions
- Clients may choose to talk during therapy or may relax or listen to music.
- Clients are fully draped and kept covered during the session.
- Clients may wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing or may remove all articles of clothing or any combination there of. It is recommended to remove clothing.
- Bodywork is deep yet gentle. Practitioners only work as deep as the client’s body is comfortable with.
- Clients should drink water after session to help flush toxins.