According to many traditions food can be used to heal. By giving our bodies the proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, the body is capable of amazing things. According to Traditional Chinese thought foods are broken down by a 5-flavor theory and into energetic temperature classification(a food’s nature). Amma Bodywork Therapists can help you decide what the right foods are for you. There is no one diet that is correct for everyone.
According to TCM, every internal organ system has a flavor which benefits that system in proper quantity and can injure the effectiveness of the systems functions if taken in excess. Therefore a variety of foods are incorporated into the diet from all areas of the five-flavor list (salty, bitter, pungent, sweet, and sour). Eating a variety of food also increases the variety of vitamins and minerals. It is also thought that varying ones diet increases the flexibility of the person in other aspects of their life. Amma Bodywork Therapist can help you decide which foods will benefit your condition.
A food’s nature is the food’s effect on the temperature of the body. By eating foods with the correct nature for your body, proper body balance ensues. Foods are categorized as cold, cool, neutral, warm, or hot. As an example of how this works, people who are constantly cold should eat warming foods. Since the body must heat everything to about 100 degrees—which is above body temperature—the foods put in your body are more easily digested and absorbed if they are both physically and energetically warm foods. Raw and cold foods should only be eaten in small amounts unless the person’s condition and environment specifically call for it.
According to wholistic nutrition, one should eat locally grown, organic foods whenever possible. By choosing organic fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy one reduces the amount of chemicals, pesticides, and hormones taken in. TCM stresses the importance of eating whole foods verses foods that have been refined and processed.
General Dietary Reminders
- Eat simply; don’t combine many types of foods into one meal.
- Eat for health not just for taste.
- Take a quality multivitamin daily.
- Take time when you prepare meals and practice mindfulness before you begin eating. Turn off the TV and avoid unpleasant conversation or eating with people you don’t like.
- Reduce the amount of liquids you take in while eating and make sure they are room temperature or above.
- Chew your food well.
- Eat breakfast foods that are nutrient-dense.
- Don’t eat dinner late.
- Eat before you are starving.
- Don’t over-eat.
- Drink water that has been filtered with a quality filtering devices or fresh spring water that is not contaminated.
- Cooking with microwaves is not recommended for it alters food nutritional value.
Foods To Be Cautious Of
- Avoid nutrasweet and other artificial sweeteners—they have many side effects.
- Avoid deli meats that are high in sugar, salt, and nitrates.
- Consumption of dairy should be moderate. Calcium is not only provided from milk. For example, quinoa (a whole grain) and many green vegetables offer calcium in a form that is easier to digest. Foods that you are sensitive to should be avoided.
- Foods that are greasy, fried, high in sugar, or refined should be eaten in small amounts. Avoid over consumption of foods that cause dampness such as dairy, bananas, oatmeal, and orange juice and foods that are sweet.
- Use moderation with refined foods and foods with additives and other foods with unnatural flavoring or preservatives.
For more info on wholistic nutrition, contact Emily and see the additional resources page.